“Write, Wrong or Otherwise” Submission

Congratulations on writing a complete short story within one week!

So, what’s next?

Fill out the below form and upload your story to prove you met your goal, then, in the next couple weeks, we will be doing a round of editing and send it to you to approve/reject changes and make any other adjustments. When you send that revision back to us, it will go through a round of proofreading and added to the 2024 Write, Wrong or Otherwise anthology. You will, of course, be getting a free digital copy of the publication, and if you pre-registered for the event before August 5th, you’ll also be getting it as a paperback!

We hope you enjoyed this writing exercise and continue to be an active member of our discord community. Oh, and be sure to mark your calendar because the next Write, Wrong or Otherwise short story challenge will be taking place next year, August 10-16 2025!

WWoO Story Submission Form

Note: If you get an error saying the file is too large, be sure it is a .doc or .docx with no images or heavy formatting. If your story requires these elements, fill out the form and upload a Word document that has your name and story title and then email full story to submissions@nat1publishing.com

Publishing Agreement

By submitting your work and accepting these terms, you agree to allow Nat 1 Publishing (referred to as the “House”) to print your work in the Write, Wrong or Otherwise anthology and be posted on the House’s online platforms such as their website, Patreon, newsletter, etc., and once published grant them the right to continue hosting the work so long as you are properly credited for its creation. You permit the House to perform minor grammatical and typographical edits to conform the submission to the journal’s standards, but no significant changes may be made without your consent. You retain the copyright of the Work and the characters, and have no limitation on when or where you may publish/post/comment/tweet them in the future. Nat 1 Publishing also reserves the right to not publish or unpublish your work at any time for any reason. You are also aware that by having your work included in the Write, Wrong or Otherwise anthology, other publishing companies may consider this piece to be “previously published,” and in the case of a reprint, you agree to give credit to Nat 1 Publishing as first to print.