A Successful Start!

The first several months for Nat 1 have been pretty crazy. We now have several anthologies and novellas in the works (some to be released as soon as August!) and are preparing to launch our literary journal Audience Askew. What’s more, our official Discord server is cranked up to eleven with conversations, writing sprints, RPG fun, and—to put it simply—community building.

Our start has been successful because of the enthusiasm of the editorial board, contributors, and audience — because of you all, Nat 1 LLC didn’t flounder in the first sixty days, but instead flourished. So a huge thank you to everybody!

With those formalities out of the way, check out the Submissions page to see what opportunities we have for you! Also, be sure to take a look at our imprint site, Audience Askew Literary Journal, and join us on our official Discord server to keep up to date on announcements, opportunities, and shenanigans!

Now, for some covers that have just been revealed to whet your appetite for what we have in store for the future (also be sure to click on them to learn more about the project)!

Thanks again!


Looking For Guild Anthology Cover
Nat 1: LFG Anthology
Elderly Ones cover image depicting Cthulhu using a walker
The Elderly Ones
Cover art for Warding Bond depicting a young woman sitting on a tombstone with two ghosts behind her
Warding Bond: A Haunting Reverse Harem
The Smoke Bar
Messengers of the Macabre Halloween Poems Cover
Messengers of the Macabre
The Call of Quackthulhu: This isn't an adventuring party...It's a hot mess
The Call of Quackthulhu

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