Today is our grand opening (but this is the internet, so probably ‘today’ is in the past. Shrug.)! Sure, we’ve been up and running for several weeks, but now it’s, like, official!
Because we’re fully digital, our celebration can’t be too extravagant, but we have stuff lined up. For instance, from now to this Sunday (4/24/22) all of the single Macy Blush Collection eBooks are FREE! So if you haven’t read them yet (or need to catch up), there’s no better time than the present.
If you are signed up for our monthly newsletter, Ye Olde Town Cryer, you’ll have already seen that the next Macy Blush has been announced—Warding Bond: A Haunting Reverse Harem— including its cover reveal! If you aren’t signed up for the newsletter, just know that it’ll be posted on the website next week. Want to avoid something like that happening again, be sure to sign up for the Town Cryer! Until then, there IS a teaser on our Discord server!
Be sure to also follow us on Facebook and Twitter—we have a couple giveaways going on – free books and merch!
And last but certainly not least…
Many Mini Misadventures has been released! You can purchase it as an eBook, paperback, or hardcover; you can also read it for FREE on Kindle Unlimited if you subscribe to it!